Magic Elixir is a luxurious pre-shampoo oil blend designed to infuse both scalp and hair with the highest quality natural oils and ayurvedic herbs that are historically known for their great properties for hair.
This blend is full of powerful ingredients and nutrients like zinc, beta-carotene, selenium, essential fatty acids and much more, that will nourish and stimulate your hair follicles, promote volume, calms frizz and smooth split-ends.
There are many causes that can lead to hair loss or slow hair growth. Underlying health conditions, medications, lack of nutrients, stress, fungal or other microbial infection, harsh products and more.
With a real holistic approach, when we are not just targeting the symptoms but looking for the root cause from inside out and also, at the same time, nourish our body, scalp and hair topically we are able to improve this condition and see results.
It is a process and it takes time, but it worth it.
* To book your personal Holistic Aromatherapy consultation clik here